Sat. May 4th, 2024

In the United States, depression among adults tripled in early 2020 as the pandemic ravaged the world. These numbers have only persisted and even worsened into 2021, now affecting 1 in every 3 American adults. Finding help for depression is crucial as it has been proven to be debilitating to both physical and mental health. For those who prefer a natural and holistic approach, kratom is a great option as it is a traditional natural herbal remedy that has been used by the locals in Southeast Asia for many generations.


Best Vendors for Kratom, updated on April 2022:

  1. New Dawn Kratom – Amazingly Strong and Fresh Kratom with Prices starting from $16/250g.
  2. Kratom Crazy – Our old #1 for Kratom, but they had to close their shop for now 🙁
  3. Starlight Kratom – Good and Strong Kratom, as good as our other two picks, but more expensive, that’s why they only got #3 on our list.


Top Kratom Strains for Depression

Kratom can be divided into red, green, and white varieties. While red strains are known for their mellow and relaxing traits, white vein varieties are sought for their stimulating qualities. Green vein kratom strains stand on the middle ground by offering the benefits of both red and white kratom but at a milder and balanced level. With these general idea in mind, here are some of the best kratom strains that can aid depression:


#1 Green Vein Borneo Kratom

Offering the best of both worlds, green vein Borneo is a strain that comes from the dense and wild jungles of Borneo, an island located in Southeast Asia. Neither too fast nor too slow, it is just right! A strain that is both relaxing and stimulating, green Borneo kratom has a balanced profile, one of the reasons why it is well loved by the kratom community.


Green Borneo is a great choice for depression as it offers a nice pick-me-up that helps to combat negative feelings. It has subtle uplifting effects that helps push the user by offering a boost of energy and helping the user to experience a sense of general wellbeing. Green Borneo also brings feelings of optimism and joy.


#2 Maeng Da Kratom

One of the most potent kratom lineages on the market, maeng da kratom even has a name that highlights the strain’s superiority. Originating from Thailand, all maeng da strains are suitable for depression as the lineage is known for its uplifting effects.


Red vein maeng da kratom is …….
