Sun. May 5th, 2024

If you have attempted to purchase kratom online, you might well have felt a little overwhelmed by the variety of strains. What are the differences between Red Borneo, Green Bali, and Maeng Da and how do you know which strains of kratom are best suited to your needs?

Kratom can be used for a variety of reasons, so it is important to know what each strain can do for you. If you are looking for a high, euphoria, or relaxation, it will be much simpler to locate one that gives you the results you desire.

For your convenience, we have put together a list of the best kratom strains that can help you achieve your desired effects.


Best Vendors for Kratom, updated on April 2022:

  1. New Dawn Kratom – Amazingly Strong and Fresh Kratom with Prices starting from $16/250g.
  2. Kratom Crazy – Our old #1 for Kratom, but they had to close their shop for now 🙁
  3. Starlight Kratom – Good and Strong Kratom, as good as our other two picks, but more expensive, that’s why they only got #3 on our list.


Different Kratom Vein Color

The two most important characteristics of a strain are its vein color and geographic origin. The color of a kratom strain’s stem and veins is the first indicator of its overall color. White, Red, and green, are the three most common strain colors. The majority of kratom on the market is red or green.

In addition to green and red, you may also find yellow and gold kratom. Green and red kratoms are mixed to make yellow, which is not a true kratom hue. Fortunately, this isn’t a bad thing, as yellow kratom’s effects tend to be a mix of alertness and relaxation, making it ideal for socializing and boosting productivity.

Kratom strains differ in their effects because of their unique alkaloid composition. A more calming effect can be achieved with the use of red kratom. This type of kratom has a more uplifting effect on the user, and they may even feel euphoric. Generally, green kratom falls somewhere in the midway between red and white varieties of the plant, though it tends to lean more toward the white kind.

The location of a kratom strain’s origin is also a determining factor. Throughout Southeast Asia, kratom is grown, and each strain is unique to a certain place. Borneo, for example, is home to Dark Red Malay kratom.

A few kratom strains may not have a place …….
